In terms of sapphire quality, there is a very large variety. The jewelry industry has yet to standardize a consistent grading scale for sapphires whereas diamonds for example have very strict guidelines. Because of this we do our best to guide each client through the process of selecting a sapphire that best suits their visual needs and budget considering there is no true ideal a sapphire. It will vary from stone to stone considering what is most important to you. Below are some different factors to consider for your sapphire ring and you can also check out some videos of loose sapphire gemstones here on our website.
Treatment: Treated sapphires are very common and they make up the norm in today’s market. Untreated sapphires are more rare and therefore much more expensive. Sapphires are very commonly heat-treated to improve color, clarity, and overall appearance. Some sapphires are found closer to thermal venting in the earth, which produces exceptional color through natural heating.
Carat weight: Sapphires tend to be heavier than diamonds and therefore a 1 carat diamond is going to look bigger than 1 carat sapphire. It is best to go by not only carat weight but millimeter measurements to give you the most best idea of how it will appear once set in a ring.
Color Sapphires comes in a rainbow of colors from pink, orange, yellow, red, green- you name it! Blue sapphire is the most popular of the bunch. Color has the most important influence on the price of a blue sapphire. The most prestigious and rare blue sapphires are according to GIA velvety blue to violet blue, in medium to medium dark tones. A sapphire that is extremely light, extremely dark, or grayish is going to be less expensive. Hue refers to the actual body color of the sapphire. It is usually comprised of two parts, the color that has the strongest presence, and any other colors that may be slightly noticeable, giving a certain undertone to the stone. The main body color/most obvious color is listed second and the undertone color is listed first. For example you can have a greenish blue sapphire or a blueish purple sapphire. The main body color is listed second and the undertone color is listed first. Again, because of lack of standardization it is up to the viewer to really look at the stone and see which one captivates you and draws you in the most.
Cut Like diamonds, sapphires are cut in the same shape styles. Options would be round, cushion, oval, emerald etc… In terms of grading the cut of the sapphire, there is a lack of standardization considering each stone is cut to maximize it’s color influence because color is the most important. Sapphire cuts are generally not graded by gem laboratories because these command a very high premium. In general, a well-cut sapphire will be symmetrical and reflect light at the proper angles in order to enhance the stone’s luster. Instead, focusing on the color and visual appearance of the sapphire will yield the most beautiful end result for your custom jewel.