Found and appreciated around the world, colorful and sparkling cut gemstones share a universal appeal. The inherent allure of gemstone jewelry, with its myriad color and style combinations, is its ability to create, capture or reflect personal style.
Gemstone Jewelry History
Featuring gemstones in jewelry dates back thousands and thousands of years. Gemstones and gemstone jewelry have a long and interesting history. The story of the “Breastplate of Aaron” chronicles gemstone use for tribal and spiritual purposes. Examples of gemstone use in ancient Christian, Egyptian, Roman, Greek and other civilizations is widespread – recognizing gemstones for their mystical properties or their representation of wealth, cultural beliefs or religious affiliations.
In modern times, the practice of assigning meaning to stones associated to astrology, more specifically as birthstone jewelry, was first seen in 15th century Poland. In the early 1900s the connection of specific stones to birth months was formalized in the United States. Though criticized by gemstone purists as a commercially motivated effort, people worldwide embrace the concept of birthstones and appreciate the ability to place deeper meaning in the gemstone jewelry they wear.
As you search for the right gemstone jewelry, the folklore, myths, characteristics, or properties associated with each gem may offer you or its wearer greater interest, meaning and enjoyment.